8. Customize slides
Choose a slide theme or template (below) and modify any of our slide templates using your own photos, slideshows, readings, or lyrics. You may wish to search online or ask your community for support by providing photographs, songs, or a favorite poem.
If your memorial will be hosted in multiple languages, consider how you will switch between languages when building your slides and modifying your facilitation notes.
Here are a few Memorial Templates you can use...
Click here to use template above
Click here to use template above
Click here to use template above
To date, we've only designed a few of these templates. Our hope is that you use these as a starting place and then share with us what you end up creating, so we have a growing set of options for others. We can either display them as is to honor your loved one, or we can remove the "personal" elements to create an anonymous helpful example for the community.
Last updated