Improve this guide

The Virtual Memorial Guide & Template was produced by Quaranteam, a volunteer coalition dedicated to fostering human connection in a time of social distancing and Reimagine End of Life, a nonprofit working to transform our individual and collective experience of illness, dying, grieving...and living.

Help improve this guide

We’d love to improve this guide and get it in the hands of more people who need it. Here are some ways in which you can help:

  • Tell us if you used this! We'd love to hear that people are using it

  • Tell us about your experience using the guide and any problems or challenges you encountered

  • Help expand the tech setup page for other technologies/apps

  • Translate this guide to another language or add slides for a specific faith

  • Suggest new ideas or examples for the program elements, or resources you found helpful that we could link to from the guide

If any of this sounds like something you want to do, please email

Share your slides

If you feel comfortable doing so, we'd love to receive a copy of your finished memorial slides so others using this guide be inspired and learn from your example.

Please send your slides and any context you'd like to share to

Last updated